If you like the classic potato omelette, you'll love the baked potato omelette, because you'll still enjoy the same flavour and ingredients as always, but with far fewer calories. A much simpler and quicker way to prepare a traditional dish. Take note!
This Spanish omelette recipe is made to eliminate the abundant oil that is usually used to make the classic tortilla de patatas. No problem even if you don't have a non-stick frying pan or extra virgin olive oil.
With the oven preheated to maximum power and just a tablespoon of oil, you will get a juicy and delicious omelette just like a traditional omelette but without the excess oil.
The potato omelette is a traditional Spanish recipe that is healthier, healthier and easier to cook in this way.
All you need to worry about is having some good potatoes, beaten eggs and an ovenproof silicone mould with baking paper to make it easily in the oven.
Olive oil
Half onion
Organic Potatoes
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