Today's recipe will not leave anyone indifferent, enjoy the taste of lasagne but made with potato. The preparation of this recipe is simple and delicious and you will all enjoy this delicious combination.
We recommend making the lasagne with medium-sized potatoes so that the potato slices come out evenly and the cooking point is the same. We recommend using a few tablespoons of oil before placing the potato base layer so that the baking tray does not stick. This is a magnificent unique dish.
This recipe is very versatile and you can use less garlic clove, as well as cooked ham and/or slices of cheese and red pepper, thanks to the texture of the potato and the rest of the ingredients this lasagne recipe will always be delicious.
Extra virgin olive oil
Box of Red Potatoes
Minced meat can be either beef or pork, to your taste.
Half onion
Green pepper
Grated cheese for gratin
Salt, ground black pepper and nutmeg
Béchamel sauce, previously prepared with half a litre of milk
Crushed tomato, half a kilo
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