Lasaña de patata roja con carne

Red potato lasagne with meat


Today's recipe will not leave anyone indifferent, enjoy the taste of lasagne but made with potato. The preparation of this recipe is simple and delicious and you will all enjoy this delicious combination. 

  • Wash and cook the unpeeled red potatoes in salted water for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Once cooked, peel and cut into thin slices. It is important to leave them to cool so that they do not break when handled. 
  • Chop the onion, garlic and pepper and sauté everything in the frying pan with a drizzle of olive oil. When they start to brown, add the meat and sauté it. Season with salt and pepper and add the nutmeg. 
  • Once the meat is done, add the crushed tomato and leave to reduce over a low heat for 10 to 15 minutes. You can flavour with different spices to taste, such as oregano or basil. 
  • To assemble the lasagne, use a baking tray and put a layer of the previously cut potatoes on the base, cover with meat sauce, put more potatoes all over the surface, cover with meat and potatoes again to finish. 
  • Add a coating of béchamel sauce and sprinkle with plenty of special grated cheese for gratin. 
  • Finally, bake in the oven for 10 minutes at 200º with heat from above and below. And if you want your cheese to look grilled, leave our lasagne for a further 10 minutes under the grill. 
  • And that's it! You can now enjoy your red potato lasagne with meat.

Extra virgin olive oil

3 cloves


Box of Red Potatoes

300 gr

Minced meat can be either beef or pork, to your taste.

Half onion

1 und

Green pepper

Grated cheese for gratin

Salt, ground black pepper and nutmeg

1 bowl

Béchamel sauce, previously prepared with half a litre of milk

1 tin

Crushed tomato, half a kilo

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