The potato waffles are savoury waffles in the shape of Belgian waffles. Perfect for making a savoury breakfast and get all the carbohydrates we need to get through the day.
These savoury waffles are perfect for a different take on potatoes. As they are savoury, you can add nutritional yeast, black pepper, nutmeg, brava sauce, grated parmesan or chopped chives. You will get delicious vegan waffles.
You can also use these hot waffles as an accompaniment to almost any dish.
Bravas waffles are delicious on their own or as an appetizer. An amazing and easy-to-make dish that will open up a whole new way of eating potatoes.
And as you already know, if you want to learn how to make fun dishes with potatoes, look among our recipes at Patatas Meléndez for the one you fancy the most.
Olive oil for the waffle iron
Onion powder
Nutritional yeast
Potatoes, we recommend our Organic potatoes
Salt and pepper
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