More and more consumers are becoming interested in using the best potato for each type of preparation, and they go to our online channel (our online shop and Amazon) to look for the most authentic ones. That is why we are launching a new format on the market: 5-kilo boxes of the best potatoes for frying, for cachelos or for garnishing, which we are launching with an irresistible offer of 25% discount (offer valid from 2 to 14 March).
The potato is a natural, tasty food with multiple nutritional benefits, which has long since banished false myths and erroneous beliefs. Consumed at its optimum quality point through an exhaustive selection of the most authentic product, it is also one of our most appreciated delicacies.
In this new 5kg format we are launching you will find the best national potatoes for every occasion, natural, from the land, with all their flavour and organoleptic qualities. We have chosen the ideal varieties for your favourite uses, and selected the best ones so that they arrive at your home as if they had just been harvested from the field.
If you fancy preparing cachelos, don’t miss the 5kg box full of a selection of potatoes with optimum cooking qualities. You will notice their suitability because they are compact and not very watery, and you will see that they cook evenly and quickly so that you can enjoy your cachelos to the full.
If frying is what you want, our 5kg box of potatoes selected for their optimal frying qualities is your choice. Their yellow flesh and low sugar content will make it easy for you to prepare excellent fries.
If you are looking for the best potatoes to accompany your dishes, the 5kg box of potatoes for garnish that we propose is the one for you. A classification of the best potatoes, with their organoleptic qualities intact and which will provide your menus with the tastiest and most natural accompaniment.
Don’t miss the opportunity and take advantage of this offer in our online shop
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You will receive a 20% discount for your first purchase in our online shop.