Patatas Meléndez, a company from Valladolid headed by Javier Meléndez, is going through a key moment in the company’s history: the inauguration of its new automated plant will mean positioning itself as a reference in the sector in Europe. Precisely for this reason and with the firm intention of continuing its expansion throughout the old continent, the company will be present at Fruit Logistica, an event that will take place in Berlin from the 8th to the 10th February, with a stand where it will be exhibiting the cutting-edge technology of its new 4.0 plant in Medina del Campo.
This leading company in the fresh potato sector is looking towards Europe and is placing its internationalisation strategy in a privileged position: after landing in France and Portugal with Meléndez France and Batatas Meléndez, it is now clear that one of its priorities is to open up new markets for its produce and diversify its export destinations. According to Javier Meléndez, the company’s CEO, going to Fruit Logistica is the ideal way to show the international sector his raw material in order to be able to it is a way to maintain a closer relationship with international customers and suppliers, and to communicate all the innovations of the new factory.
Fruit Logistica is currently one of the most important fairs in the fruit and vegetable sector in Europe: in this edition there will be more than 2,300 exhibiting companies, 270 of which will be Spanish, a figure that is only exceeded by Italy, and Patatas Meléndez will be attending the event with figures that it can be proud of. The company from Castile-Leon has far exceeded the results of the previous year and has closed 2022 with a turnover of 110 million and 200,000 tonnes of potatoes sold. For the group, this represents a growth of more than 21% compared to the previous year, a good end to another year of continued growth.
As far as the new factory is concerned, it should be remembered that it will mark a before and after in the sector; it will ensure the generational changeover and the rejuvenation of the field; it will be a way to professionalise the sector; and to give continuity to the crop. The numerous innovations it introduces range from optical sorters to disruptive systems to control the traceability of the raw material throughout the entire production process. In addition, AGV transport will enable remote management, and its modern technology will reduce water and energy consumption.
Las partes, declaran conocer y aceptar las Condiciones Generales de contratación de MELENDEZ MARKET S.L que se encuentran disponibles en sus oficinas sitas en Crta Villaverde km 3 Nave E puestos 32-34 Mercamadrid, 28031 Madrid, en la URL: en el Registro de Bienes Muebles de Madrid y acuerdan de manera expresa someter a la ley española todo litigio, discrepancia o reclamación resultante de la contratación efectuada, y al Arbitraje del Tribunal de la Asociación para el Arbitraje Mercantil “TAM” de Madrid, en el marco de sus Reglamentos, al cual se encomienda la administración del arbitraje y la designación del árbitro o tribunal arbitral, obligándose desde ahora al cumplimiento de la decisión arbitral.
Ayudas dirigidas al fomento de la industria 4.0 o digitalización industrial en Castilla y León
Proyecto financiado por la Junta de Castilla y León a través de la Consejería de Industria, Comercio y Empleo
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