Patatas Meléndez, a company whose aim is to offer fresh potatoes 365 days a year, will be unveiling all the details of its new production plant at Fruit Attraction, the sector’s most important trade fair. The company has chosen this important event to show all the technological advances that will be implemented in the factory, as well as to present its strategy to guarantee the quality of its raw material.
“Fruit Attraction is the perfect opportunity to communicate to society how Patatas Meléndez has been able to digitise the field and achieve an optimum link with Industry 4.0. Of course, without losing sight of the new consumer needs, as well as quality and origin, essential values for the company”, says Javier Meléndez, CEO of this company from Valladolid.
As well as going into the different technologies that the new factory will implement and the benefits that it will bring, including improved efficiency and monitoring the traceability of the product from start to finish, Patatas Meléndez will have an exceptional ally at Fruit Attraction on 5th October: the chef Martín Berasategui, with twelve Michelin Stars. Patatas Meléndez has been collaborating for months with the chef from San Sebastian to raise the status of the potato, a product that has all the potential to be the star of numerous dishes.
“I have worked with all kinds of products, but in all Michelin-starred restaurants, potatoes are always present, a raw material with properties and benefits that we don’t even know about, but which are essential in our diet. For me it is an honour to accompany Patatas Meléndez at Fruit Attraction to give the potato the place it deserves”, explains Martín Berasategui.
On the other hand, Patatas Meléndez will emphasise the importance of being close to the source, which is why it is increasingly increasing the number of producers and companies in the agri-food sector that share the company’s values and with whom it works. Patatas Meléndez has not only developed a powerful Agricultural Plan that offers farmers greater stability and ensures the profitability of their produce, but it is also immersed in a process of expansion to take the Meléndez philosophy and values to more areas.
On a national level and with the firm intention of being closer to the origin, this leading company in the fresh potato sector has acquired Patatas Prado, which allows it to have the PGI and include Galician potato in its product portfolio; and it has created a solid structure in Andalusia, specifically a company called Agroquality.
On an international level, its entry into France and Portugal with Meléndez France and Batatas Meléndez, respectively, also places the company directly at the origin, where it will be able to pamper all the links in the chain and establish greater control over the raw material.
Finally, the company from Castile and Leon will be present at Foro Innova, a space in Fruit Attraction, where it will be able to present all its new products and solutions for the sector, on 5th October at 17:30. Amongst other innovations, it will be commenting on the varieties and product lines it is currently promoting, such as the Microondable line, recently extended with varieties that are highly appreciated by haute cuisine, such as the Vitolette variety. This is due to the fact that the company is constantly carrying out market research to adapt to the new needs of the increasingly demanding consumer.
With all this, Patatas Meléndez will once again be at the Fruit Attraction Fair, extolling the potato category and transmitting all the company’s values.
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Ayudas dirigidas al fomento de la industria 4.0 o digitalización industrial en Castilla y León
Proyecto financiado por la Junta de Castilla y León a través de la Consejería de Industria, Comercio y Empleo
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