The company’s CEO, Javier Meléndez, met this morning with the Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, to present the company’s future projects.
With an investment of 32 million euros, the company is immersed in a process of global digitalisation with the aim of offering top quality potatoes and ensuring that the consumer is aware of the entire product traceability process.
The company’s objective is to develop a process of complete digitalisation of the entire production process. This project, with an overall investment of 32 million euros, involves the digitisation of the crop, the use of green energy and the construction of a processing plant that is within the parameters of Industry 4.0.
This process will culminate, in the last quarter of 2022, with the start-up of the new 21,000 square metre factory next to its current facilities in Medina del Campo (Valladolid). This new plant will incorporate all the technological innovations available on the market, robotisation, automation of the production processes as well as the incorporation of new potato selection possibilities through Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning.
The challenge of this process of digitalisation, from the field to the retail shelves, is to make a commitment to greater professionalisation of this crop. “We want to offer a higher quality potato and for the consumer to know the full traceability of the production process”, as the head of the company explained to the Minister.
Javier Meléndez has appreciated the Minister’s enormous interest in the project presented. “I am grateful for the minister’s receptiveness to this project that I have presented to her and which I consider to be of great importance for the agri-food sector in Spain, because Patatas Meléndez is committed to creating employment in rural areas, especially for women and young people”.
Las partes, declaran conocer y aceptar las Condiciones Generales de contratación de MELENDEZ MARKET S.L que se encuentran disponibles en sus oficinas sitas en Crta Villaverde km 3 Nave E puestos 32-34 Mercamadrid, 28031 Madrid, en la URL: en el Registro de Bienes Muebles de Madrid y acuerdan de manera expresa someter a la ley española todo litigio, discrepancia o reclamación resultante de la contratación efectuada, y al Arbitraje del Tribunal de la Asociación para el Arbitraje Mercantil “TAM” de Madrid, en el marco de sus Reglamentos, al cual se encomienda la administración del arbitraje y la designación del árbitro o tribunal arbitral, obligándose desde ahora al cumplimiento de la decisión arbitral.
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