Promoting excellence, innovation and sustainability in the sector are the main objectives of the ‘Meléndez x Origen’ project, launched by the company Patatas Meléndez. It is an initiative that will strengthen ties between producers and industry, promote training and professionalisation in the sector, and align the objectives of both links in the value chain.
This is stated in the commitment signed this Tuesday in the new Patatas Meléndez factory in Medina del Campo (Valladolid) between Javier Meléndez, CEO of the company, and a group of around 50 farmers from different production areas in Spain, Portugal and France.
“The Meléndez Origen project was born out of our commitment to the professionals in the field and to their product, aware that the best potato is made in the field. In our commitment to quality, at Patatas Meléndez we want to work together with a team of elite farmers, representatives from all the producing areas of the Iberian Peninsula and France, and we want you to be part of it”, Javier Meléndez points out. Thus, ‘Meléndez x Origen’ will combine training, advice throughout the entire crop cycle and the exchange of experiences through different actions throughout the year.
In the signed document, Patatas Meléndez undertakes to ensure the profitability of the project farmers’ crops, to train them and promote their professionalisation, to accompany them throughout the crop cycle and to involve them in the organisational mission, in short, to involve them in the business objectives.
Likewise, Patatas Meléndez is committed to defending the interests of the sector and the farmers on issues of relevance to them, such as the defence of irrigation and the efficient and sustainable use of water or compliance with the Food Chain Law. For their part, the producers of ‘Meléndez x Origen’ have undertaken to actively participate in the project; to take part in the different training activities proposed, with the aim of becoming more professional; to seek the quality of the product in my crop and to have Patatas Meléndez as the preferred industry for the sale of this product.
Las partes, declaran conocer y aceptar las Condiciones Generales de contratación de MELENDEZ MARKET S.L que se encuentran disponibles en sus oficinas sitas en Crta Villaverde km 3 Nave E puestos 32-34 Mercamadrid, 28031 Madrid, en la URL: en el Registro de Bienes Muebles de Madrid y acuerdan de manera expresa someter a la ley española todo litigio, discrepancia o reclamación resultante de la contratación efectuada, y al Arbitraje del Tribunal de la Asociación para el Arbitraje Mercantil “TAM” de Madrid, en el marco de sus Reglamentos, al cual se encomienda la administración del arbitraje y la designación del árbitro o tribunal arbitral, obligándose desde ahora al cumplimiento de la decisión arbitral.
Ayudas dirigidas al fomento de la industria 4.0 o digitalización industrial en Castilla y León
Proyecto financiado por la Junta de Castilla y León a través de la Consejería de Industria, Comercio y Empleo
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