For the second year running, Mercados magazine has selected the 10 most influential profiles in the fruit and vegetable business. It has done so by means of a survey in which the following have taken part
More than 1,500 professionals participated and voted for the list of the most influential personalities in the sector.
A top 10 selection of professionals who are shaping the present and future of the fruit and vegetable world, and a recognition for those who, with their professional careers, are contributing to the progress of the sector, working for its development and leadership in Europe.
Javier Meléndez, our CEO, has been recognised for his influence in the sector, together with Javier Cano, Development Director of Eurosemillas; Jorge Reig, CEO of Grupo Agroponiente; Francisco Sánchez, manager of Onubafruit; Crisanto Ampuero, head of R&D&I at Grupo AGF; Cecilio Peregrín, corporate director of Primaflor; Juan Marín, president of Proexport; Ricardo Ortiz, commercial director of Rijk Zwaan Ibérica; Lola Gómez, manager of Clisol Turismo Agrícola; and Pedro Caparrós, founder and general manager of Grupo Caparrós. The October issue of Mercados Magazine includes a profile of each of these professionals, in which they share first-hand details of their career, knowledge and learning for which they have been recognised as the most influential in the 2020 fruit and vegetable sector.
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