We end March 2021 with the distribution of 66,000 kilos to the Food Banks of Badajoz, Navarra, Ceuta and Melilla.

Patatas Meléndez’s commitment to solidarity continues to materialise in the form of product donations to those most in need. Thus, we ended the month of March with the distribution of 66,000 kilos to the Food Banks of Badajoz, Navarra, Ceuta and Melilla.

It has been a year since the beginning of the restrictions due to the global health crisis, a context in which Patatas Meléndez has wanted to contribute as much as possible to help people in need. Our commitment with FESBAL is to supply our potatoes to those places that need supplies, and to ensure that they reach their destination in optimum quality conditions and with all their organoleptic qualities and nutritional properties.

This donation is in addition to those that we periodically make for this purpose, which in 2020 reached almost 500,000 kg. of fresh produce.

In this way, we join the commendable work of the Food Banks and their Federation, FESBAL, and continue to work hand in hand with the aim of reducing the effects of marginalisation and poverty.

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