We are exclusively launching our on the market. A 1 kg bag of fresh potatoes and sweet potatoes, specially selected by Patatas Meléndez, both in terms of variety and culinary behaviour, which ensure that by following some very simple steps, included in the packaging itself, as well as in a video via the QR on each bag, you can enjoy delicious fried potatoes or sweet potatoes in your Airfryer.
What are the advantages of using this product?
– Less oil, less calories.
– Perfect natural crispy flavour
– cleaner and more convenient cooking option.
– versatile and sustainable product.
The pack includes 2 bags of airfryer potatoes + 2 bags of airfryer sweet potatoes.
Fast delivery in 24-48h
Money-back guarantee
Shipping costs included
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You will receive a 20% discount for your first purchase in our online shop.