Juan Manuel Coello, head of operations management at the Valladolid-based company Patatas Meléndez, has been appointed as an expert on the National Commission for the Evaluation of Potato Varieties by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
In this new role, Juan Manuel will be in charge of assessing applications for new commercial varieties submitted to the register. The National Commissions are advisory bodies of a mandatory nature that inform the proposals for entry in the Register of commercial varieties and the selection of new experts is based on the principle of specialisation. Thus, their appointment has been formulated by the Directorate General for Production and Markets for a period of three years.
Juan Manuel Coello’s expertise in the field ranges from his training phase to his extensive professional career. He has more than 20 years of experience working in the potato sector. Within Patatas Meléndez, Coello has held positions of high responsibility and management up to his current position.
“It is a real honour to be a member of the National Commission for the Evaluation of Potato Varieties and to be able to contribute to this committee what I have learnt during so many years dedicated to potato breeding.
sector. This is an important step in my career and I am looking forward to it with great enthusiasm and excitement”, says Juan Manuel Coello, Operations Director of Patatas Meléndez about his recent appointment.
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